Can You Buy Lightweight Electric Wheelchairs

lightweight electric wheelchairs are an amazing invention. They revolutionise the way a user can mobilise around their home and out and about and cover needs that a mobility scooter isnt suited to. There is no doubt that electric wheelchairs are invaluable. But there are also issues with them that any user will tell you about.

lightweight electric wheelchairs

The main issue with electric wheel chairs is the weight and the sheer size of them. And its no fault of the manufacturers. Batteries are heavy. Motors are heavy and the actual construction of the chairs, to cope with everyday stress and strains, makes them bulky and heavy.

All in all, they are usually heavy!

Can you even get lightweight electric wheelchairs?

This boils down to what you class as heavy. But another thing to keep in mind is the capacity of the chair. You can buy fairly lightweight machines, but the caveat is that they wont have the same weight capacity as a heavier machine. Another consequence of lighter weight folding wheelchairs is the range.

Where batteries are concerned, generally the bigger they are the further they will travel. Bigger batteries are heavier and bulkier.

As a comparison, here are two machines. We found the lightest we could find and the heaviest we could find for a comparison.

The lightest Foldable Wheelchair!

Chair 14KG Lightweight Intelligent Folding Carry Adult Electric Wheelchair

This is a 14kg wheelchair, so it is definitely lightweight and its foldable. These are the features :

  • Weight : 14kg
  • Foldable
  • Aluminium
  • Seat height : 47cm
  • Folds up in 3 seconds
  • dual 190w motors
  • dual 5.2A 24V batteries
  • 6hrs charge gives you 20km
  • Max weight carrying capacity : 100kg

The Heaviest Wheelchair

Super Heavy Duty Electric Wheelchair

The is a 27kg wheelchair. Obviously it weighs almost twice as much, but it is designed to take a bigger person.

  • Weight : 27kg
  • Foldable
  • Seat width 54cm
  • dual 250w motors
  • dual 6Ahr 24v batteries
  • 8hrs charge gives you 25km
  • Max weight carrying capacity : 180kg

What should you look for in your lightweight foldable electric wheelchairs?

Obviously everybody is different but there are a few basic things you should look for in a lightweight electric wheelchair.

Portability and Foldability

One of the primary reasons for choosing a foldable electric wheelchair is its portability. Ensure that the wheelchair is easy to fold and unfold, allowing for convenient transportation and storage. Look for a model that can fit in the trunk of a car or be carried on public transport.

Weight Capacity

Consider the weight capacity of the wheelchair to ensure it can comfortably support the user’s weight. Different models have varying weight limits, so choose one that aligns with your needs. Remember to account for any additional items you might carry, such as bags or accessories.

Battery Life

Battery life is crucial, especially if you plan to use the wheelchair for extended periods. Check the wheelchair’s battery capacity and inquire about the estimated range per charge. Opt for a model that suits your daily activities without frequent recharging.


Look for a foldable electric wheelchair with excellent maneuverability. Consider factors like turning radius, speed control, and the ease of handling in tight spaces. A chair with a smaller turning radius is ideal for navigating crowded areas or tight hallways.

Comfort and Seating

Comfort is paramount. Evaluate the chair’s seat cushion, backrest, and armrests. Adjustable features are a plus, as they allow for customization to ensure a comfortable fit. Adequate padding and lumbar support can make a significant difference in long-term comfort.

Safety Features

Safety should be a top priority. Ensure that the wheelchair is equipped with essential safety features like anti-tip wheels, seatbelts, and reliable brakes. These features enhance stability and minimize the risk of accidents.

Terrain Compatibility

Consider where you’ll be using the wheelchair most frequently. Some models are better suited for indoor use, while others are designed for outdoor adventures. Choose a wheelchair that matches your typical terrain, whether it’s smooth pavements, uneven sidewalks, or rugged outdoor paths.

Price and Warranty

Lastly, establish a budget for your foldable electric wheelchair. Prices can vary widely depending on features and brand. Additionally, check the warranty to ensure you’re covered in case of any issues or malfunctions.


Selecting the right foldable electric wheelchair is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your or your loved one’s daily life. By considering factors such as portability, weight capacity, battery life, maneuverability, comfort, safety, terrain compatibility, price, and warranty, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed choice that enhances mobility and quality of life.

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