Navigating Life on Crutches: Understanding Their Importance and Use

For many, crutches are a temporary but vital part of life. Whether it’s due to an injury, surgery, or a chronic condition, crutches play a crucial role in assisting mobility. In this post, we’ll explore the different types of crutches, their benefits, and tips for using them effectively. Types of Crutches: Underarm Crutches: Commonly seen and used, underarm crutches rest under the armpits and are held by the hands. They are ideal for short-term use, especially for lower-leg injuries. Forearm Crutches: Also known as elbow crutches, these are often used for longer-term needs. They have a cuff that wraps around the forearm and are considered to offer better stability and wrist support. Platform Crutches: Designed for those who cannot use standard crutches due to arthritis or hand injuries, platform…