Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in supporting various functions in our body. One of its primary benefits is its contribution to maintaining a healthy immune system. By including an adequate amount of vitamin D in our daily diet, we can improve our immune response and reduce the risk of diseases.

Another significant role of vitamin D is its support in maintaining muscle function and promoting bone and teeth strength. It helps in the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the development and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. By incorporating enough vitamin D into our routine, we can ensure the proper functioning of our muscles and enhance our overall physical health.

The NHS recommends a daily intake of 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D from October to April. This recommendation is particularly crucial because during these months, sunlight exposure, which is one of the primary sources of vitamin D, is limited. Additionally, the NHS also suggests taking this amount of vitamin D if we are spending more time indoors than usual during Spring and Summer. This proactive approach ensures that we meet our vitamin D requirements even when our sun exposure is reduced.

What sets our vitamins apart is that they are all Made In The UK. This means that our supply chain is primarily UK-based, ensuring that our ingredients are fresher and our raw materials have a smaller carbon footprint. In choosing locally sourced ingredients, we prioritize sustainability and reduce the environmental impact associated with long transportation distances.

Furthermore, we are proud to highlight that all of our packaging, from jars to sachets to mailing bags, is recyclable. We believe in taking responsibility for the waste we generate and actively promote sustainable practices. By choosing our vitamins, you can have peace of mind knowing that our commitment to the environment extends beyond just the products themselves.

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of vitamin D or our sustainable practices, we invite you to click on the link below for more information. Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality vitamins while prioritizing the health of our customers and the planet.

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